There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls

Friday, June 13, 2014


"Na cama com..." | "In bed with..."

People who know me have learned that I enjoy being photographed. I love the thought of perpetuating my present self-image, so I can one day look back and remember that precise moment (or just shove it on my children's faces). Note that I'm not a model, and will never consider myself one.

By now I've had the pleasure to work with very talented people, being the person I've worked with the most a personal friend, Carolina Miguel. Today Carolina is opening her first photography exhibition, featuring people in their beds. It's called "Na cama com..." or, in english, "In bed with...".

I'm proud to say that me and my bed will be featured there, and I would love to invite you to stop by and show her some love.

I will post the remaining photos of my bed here soon. Until then, you can check out her work here or here.

Here's an exclusive sneak-peek. 

Love, Ni


  1. Tão gira como sempre, e adoro a headpiece :p! Quero ver se consigo ir ver a exposição um dia destes :D

    1. Opá, o meu primeiro comentário! <3 :P

      Obrigada, e sim, tens de vir ver as meninas!

      Quanto à headpiece, comprei na Claire's :)


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Portuguese girl inspired by the moon. Rock'n'Roll lover. Retro enthusiast.

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